Super busy as always at UTP HQ, we have now settled on the final Oil cooler removal kit design and final fabrication has finished. Testing of this product starts next week and the product should be available in the store by end of next month.  Here is a sneak peak of our test fit before final changes.



Cooling is improved, weight is reduced by a good amount. It allows easier engine cleaning and you can see the front of the engine through the frame rail. It allows you to remove the now, with age or mileage, very crusty oil cooler and give your bike a more classic look. The UTP splash guard comes in the kit and this stops stones and gravel from hitting your engine front mount which will over time chip and flake off your engine paint. It also protects the starter motor lead and your lower oil cooler lines.

One design feature we like is the lower frame rail return or outlet tubes just peaking over the splash guard. This will create a talking point with the eagle eyed or engineers amongst you but the angle of the splash guard still protects them from damaged or chipping, a nice touch we think.

Super head!!!!

Well we have completed a whole R&D program on the super head. Its actually only one part to the puzzle, the super cam is the second but we are still tweaking the inner designs of that. So the Super head is fitted and the engine feels fantastic. We are off to the dyno this week to test the UTP stage 1 cam and the Super head combination.

This combination is for customers that already have the TTP904s bigbore kit and our UTP stage 1 cams and just want the head upgrade. We are expecting over 100hp at the rear wheel but only the dyno can confirm our suspicions.

I have to say from the past couple days sorting out the fuelling the bike feels very impressive.  The fuelling still needs some more work but it will be close enough to get some figures.

We hope your as excited as we are for these results and in the coming months we will also start testing on our 2-2 complete exhaust systems.

Very exciting times at UTP HQ, check back for more updates soon.



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